Refund Policy

At Achieving Financial Wealth LLC, we are passionate about helping people repair bad credit. We do our best to assist clients with their credit repair needs & we value customer satisfaction! By law, we cannot make any verbal or written promise, or guarantee of outcome, score increases, or timing of credit repair services. However, clients may request a refund if they believe that Achieving Financial Wealth LLC did not complete the obligations as defined in our Terms and Conditions, or the signed agreement. Refund of up to 100% of the total price may be possible to the Client only if all the below conditions exist:

  • If Achieving Financial Wealth LLC DID NOT inform the client and note in the agreement that credit repair can actually cause scores to drop.
  • If enrolled in a monthly plan the client has been current on all payments, without any NSF’s, and the client has completed all payments per the agreement including keeping their credit monitoring account active.
  • The client must have followed all Achieving Financial Wealth LLC directions based on the credit repair plan (Excessive time spent with clients in any form of communication, or personal meetings will count against the allocated time per plan, and obviously reduce time spent on actual credit repair, therefore the client may not get optimal results.)
  • On existing credit lines at the time of the signed agreement, and on any newly obtained credit, whether or not per Achieving Financial Wealth LLC recommendation, the Client always made at least the minimum payment due on time per industry suggestion.
  • The client was never late and always paid the minimum balance due on all existing trade lines, or new credit lines acquired during the duration of the agreement.
  • Upon signing the Achieving Financial Wealth LLC agreement, client strictly followed at least one of several suggested methods to improve or increase scores as noted in the credit repair plan.
  • To receive a 100% refund of the total money paid to Achieving Financial Wealth LLC, the Client shall request such refund in writing.
  • Achieving Financial Wealth LLC shall review the request to confirm if the client complied with the terms of our Refund Policy, which can take 7-10 business days after the letter is received. Rising Elevations Consulting shall determine the final refund is due, and the decision shall be final.