Money Back Guarantee

The goal of credit repair is to remove questionable negative information from credit reports. This is not an exact science and there are cases in which we may be unsuccessful. Our clients are protected with our 120 day warranty. If you sign up for a monthly service with Achieving Financial Wealth LLC and do not see any questionable items deleted from your credit in 120 days or your score hasn’t increased by at least 50 points combined, you will be entitled to a full refund of monthly fees. This does not mean that your credit will be fixed completely during that period but you should see some of your questionable negative items deleted or an increase to your score in this period or your money back.

The Money Back Guarantee will be strictly subject to you complying with the following terms and conditions:

  • Eligibility for a refund does not start until day 120.. You must be an active participant in the program for 120 days. Cancellation or a missed payment during the initial 120 days of the program is a void of this guarantee.
  • You maintained credit monitoring for the full duration of the 120 day period without it declining.
  • You added at least one of the recommended credit-building programs to your credit profile within the first 45 days.
  • That you do not create or cause any new derogatory trade lines to be added to your credit report after your participation in the applicable program begins.
  • You mail, fax, email or upload using the portal to Achieving Financial Wealth LLC all correspondences relating in any way to your credit report within seven (“7”) days of receiving said correspondence.
  • You make all payments due and owing to Achieving Financial Wealth LLC per this agreement in a timely manner.
  • You upload the necessary documents needed get started using the portal which includes signing the agreement, proof of your identity such as a copy of driver’s license and copy of proof of residence within two (“2”) days of the effective date of this agreement.
  • You agree to give Achieving Financial Wealth LLC ten (“10”) business days from the date you have requested a refund and we receive the letter to allow Achieving Financial Wealth LLC adequate time to review your credit bureaus and audit your account to verify that no negative items have been removed from your account and to ascertain the reason for this occurring.
  • Refunds limited to payments made for 120 days of service only. (ex. If client is in service for 180+ days, with no change made to their history, they can request a refund, but that refund will be limited to 120 days of service).